Monday, August 16, 2010

Pregnancy#2 : Week 34

My 34th week routine check up was on 10 Aug. In addition, I also went to my fav obgyn (Dr Stuart) to do a 4D scan of baby#2 on 9 Aug... hehehe

I think her hidung looks more mancung than Mia's.. kan?

My current weight is 69kg, I gained 2kgs since my last appt on 27 July.. Arrrgggghhhh!!! Matai la, makin berat nie! Baby#2 now weighs approx 2.3kg. It's becoming harder for me to walk around or sleep as my tummy is so huge oledi. Mau tukar position from left to right or vice versa while lying down pun I'm struggling... And if I sit too long (with legs apart), I won't be able to move at all until the baby's head shifts to another position... So kalau duduk, mesti ladylike style... hahahaha. I'm getting quite anxious already as 37th week draws closer. I am sooooo ready to deliver baby#2 (as soon as she reaches fullterm la). Dunno how much more extra weight I can carry as this time round, my tummy really protrudes outward, tajam... During pregnancy#1, my tummy was wider..

Will post photos later..


Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...

hey we're on the same boat...i was wide with pregnancy no with pregnancy no tajam/protruding..a lot of ppl say its a boy..dono la ;)

BabySigns said...

u hvnt scan for bb's sex yet? or maybe u prefer to keep it as a surprise? I wanted to surprise myself but DH insisted to find out...

Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...

did scanned sumwer during my 6th mth but dr said still not clear but possibly boy..not hopeful..if its true - a pair la sdh! if its a girl..having two girls wud b fun!!