After finding out a bunch of my friends are now pregnant again (with #2, #4 etc) and some are 1st timers, I suddenly have the urge to search for online maternity/nursing outfits.. (I'm not pregnant ok -not yet at least...)..
When I was pregnant with Mia, I told myself, I'm not going to spend any money on maternity/nursing outfits. What for?? Sayang duit only becoz pakai for few mths only.. So I decided to buy those baby doll style tops and 1 stretchy pants. Some baby doll tops, I borrowed from my younger sister.. DH was suggesting I should wear maternity dress!! I was like, NO WAY!! Gila ka? He was showing me some maternity dresses that looked liked aunty2 punya style and some of the material looked like curtains punya.. I'd rather wear his XL sized t-shirt! Punyala main bida some of the dresses I see on sale.. Sad to say, I've seen some of my friends pakai those dresses when they were pregnant.. Although I'm not the trendy type, but I think I know enough abt fashion to stay away from some maternity outfits like these...

So as I was surfing the net last nite, I came across some really trendy maternity/nursing outfits by MEV. All so cantik2 and some can be used even after delivery. The downside is, they're all so mahal2 oh.. i.e. RM100 above just for 1 top/pants... When it comes to buying clothes, I'm a bit 'luki' and would really think hard before buying anything that costs more than RM50. But these look sooooo tempting!!

1 comment:
tempting kan shopping online...recently (oh well 2 months back) i purchased from motherhood usa..syiok when received the parcel in only less than a week..kinda affordable ..the pants were only usd 15- 20...i nought 2..but the shipping was mahal you know....but it's worth it cos i really make good use of those pants..
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