RESPECT ME is a campaign to make everyone RESPECT ROBERT PATTINSON. Ever since Twilight was released and gain phenomenal attention all around the globe, he's been stalked by the Paparazzis and fans (some are crazy lunatic!!) wherever he goes! Some people say, "hey, that's the price of fame!". We know that now he's under spotlight and everybody wants to know every single details about his whereabouts, what he's doing, who he's dating bla.. bla.. but I'm sure there are better ways, more civilized way to find these infos right?? And the recent report of him being 'attacked' by a crazy fan in NY?? That's just SO STUPID GIRL!! Ko punya otak di lutut ka? I honestly think this girl should be sent to a Bukit Padang/Hospital Mesra facility type of place!
And recently, some some crazy fans have started leaving creepy type letters on his car.. GET A LIFE PEOPLE!!

I'm a hard core Twi-Fan just like any hard core Twi-Fans out there. But now, honestly I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this coz I sincerely do not want to be associated with 'lunatic crazy fans' like the STUPID girl who attacked RPatz or those psycho people who leaves creepy letters on his car door!! They are really ruining this for all of us!!
All I'm saying is, Robert needs to be respected!! It breaks my heart to see his expression in this RESPECT ME banner.

I'm a hard core Twi-Fan just like any hard core Twi-Fans out there. But now, honestly I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this coz I sincerely do not want to be associated with 'lunatic crazy fans' like the STUPID girl who attacked RPatz or those psycho people who leaves creepy letters on his car door!! They are really ruining this for all of us!!
All I'm saying is, Robert needs to be respected!! It breaks my heart to see his expression in this RESPECT ME banner.
1 comment:
alamak so teruk ohhh...the girls so fanatic mau mampus gia tu...what made they think that he will call them by leaving their number on his car...adui..they have get some senses to their head ohhh...psychopath butul ohh
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