Before becoming a Fulltime SHAM & Partime WHAM (Baby Signs Instructor), i used to work as a Hotelier (since 1995). My last hotel was a 5 Star Resort in KK under the Front Office Department -Telecommunications Dept. I left the hotel industry in 2001 for personal reasons and one of the main reason is I didn't want to live the life of a "Hotelier"; most of your time is dedicated to the hotel (unless you just stay at rank & file position). I was getting sick and tired of all the double shifts, canceled off days, handling complains due to other people's incompetence etc.. etc.. At one point, after working a long stretch of long hours (i.e. 3pm-11pm then cont' 11pm-9am), my body just couldn't take it and it lead to me being hospitalized. Was given a total of 10 days of Medical Leave!!! At that time, MC = unpaid leave, so I decided not to use my MC, instead I converted it to annual leave & PH... unbelievable isn't it?? Sakit pun kena potong Gaji! waduh! waduh!
Looking back, I do wonder how my life would be like if I didn't make that turning point? After leaving the Resort in 2001, I still had quite a number of offers; some even for me to work in USA, China. At that time, I was already seriously dating my DH (that time still BF/GF..). After weighing my options, I decided to let the offers slip... Sayang also but, I don't believe in long distance relationship so I chose to stay in KK and pursue other career options.
It's not like I don't appreciate what I have now; the comfortable life that I'm living, having a great & understanding DH, my precious Mia and great family & friends.. But I do envy some of my 'single' friends/ex-colleague who's now working overseas... travelling, no commitments, exciting challenges etc etc.. Don't get me wrong, I've never regretted making the decision to stay.. It just makes me wonder...... maybe I'll try that in my next life?? or when the kids are all grown-up, I'll pack my bags and travel the world with DH and some other old friends??
Looking back, I do wonder how my life would be like if I didn't make that turning point? After leaving the Resort in 2001, I still had quite a number of offers; some even for me to work in USA, China. At that time, I was already seriously dating my DH (that time still BF/GF..). After weighing my options, I decided to let the offers slip... Sayang also but, I don't believe in long distance relationship so I chose to stay in KK and pursue other career options.
It's not like I don't appreciate what I have now; the comfortable life that I'm living, having a great & understanding DH, my precious Mia and great family & friends.. But I do envy some of my 'single' friends/ex-colleague who's now working overseas... travelling, no commitments, exciting challenges etc etc.. Don't get me wrong, I've never regretted making the decision to stay.. It just makes me wonder...... maybe I'll try that in my next life?? or when the kids are all grown-up, I'll pack my bags and travel the world with DH and some other old friends??
talking about what ifs......i too miss all the scenario in hotel..and human communication....i really miss working for a boss...hahahahaha
yalor.. have to sacrifice & compromise.. I miss d human comm, hotel routine.. but i really don't miss handling guest complains.. hahaha!! I'm glad i never have to do that again.. dapat heart attack oh klu kana teriak guest..
i understand how u felt..i too often wonder if i didn't turned down the offer to study overseas i may have live a different life now..better or worse than now, i woudn't know but since our life is confortable now, just believe that we had made the right choice la..mana tau pigi overseas kahwin there and suffer hahaha
ya that's true... sengsara suffer alone if living overseas kan..
you might never know what's in store for you...maybe something bigger will come your way one day..manatau Mia go overseas to also can tag along ;-p
muni, that's our plan (more of my plans.. hehehe). I just don't believe in msia punya education system... telampau backdated.. tunggu she teenager dulu.. then we satu family tag along..
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