Thursday, June 25, 2009

Music to my ears..

Normally I couldn't care less about words of 'puji-pujian'.. either words of compliments about the way I looked, over the dishes that I cooked, over a job well done etc.. It's just not my 'Love Language'... But today, my 20 mths old daugther complimented me on my cooking.. During lunch and dinner, while putting soup in her mouth she kept saying "Hmmmm.. nice soup...".. "nice soup".. "hmmmm"... I was moved.. :-) Pandai juga she ambil hati.. hehehehe


Miji-Marsh said...

I'm moved as well !!!! Like I told you at your place, she's incredibly a fast learner and at her age I'm very amazed to see how she could know a lot of big words...keep it up Mia...maybe she's a baby genius ni tau...

BabySigns said...

gagus la klu genius.. she can teach me when she's older.. hehehe... i do believe it's due to d signing (based on research done by the experts). The only way to be certain, is to compare with next baby's progress (in d future k.. hehehe)