Let me run through the process to give u an idea of how the competition was run and how babies were judged; #2 & #3 involves heavy queuing....
1. Registration Counter - Confirm attendance & get judging forms & number for baby & breastfeeding quiz sheet for mummy. Mia is registered under group C (18mth-24mths).
2. Immunization Verification - Baby's immunization card (original copy) is checked to ensure 'basic govt requirement' is met. The funny part is, Mia lost 10 points bcoz in her card, she didn't get a separate injection for measles?? I tot MMR meant Measles, Mumps & Rubella?? Anyway, her Paeds didn't mention anything abt a separate injection and it's not even listed in her immunization card... I'll ask her Paeds later..
3. Photo Shoot - Baby is placed ON TOP of a narrow table and given a teddy bear to play with. Photographer takes 1-2 shots. Mia is not really a FAN of heights.. She tried climbing off the table during the photo taking.. I really think they should take photos on the floor, it's MUCH..MUCH safer people!!..
4. Friendliness Check - Baby is placed on top of the table infront of 3 judges. Okayyyyyyyy...WEIRD!!!! If it was up to me, I think the best way is to let the toddlers run around free in a playgroup environment and see who could make friends the fastest.. I had to sing "Itsy-bitsy spider" to Mia to get her to do something than just sit there and stare at the judge's judging eyes..
And that's it!!!! It's waiting time.. (What???)
After 3 speeches, the results were announced.. I can't really understand or hear what the MC's were announcing... blame it on bad accoustics in the mall..
So after much bla..bla..bla.. then we heard 'C16'.. Mia won consolation prize of not sure what category. This was already almost 2pm (so Mia was fast asleep - Nap time). Tried waking her up a couple of times, but she just won't budge. Anyhew, with soooo many babies joining the competition, I really didn't expect to win anything at all. Overall, it was a good experience for all of us.
These photos were taken by Phillip. Thks Phillip!

I saw a few of babies contest abroad, and most of the time it will be tiring for moms and babies, by the time the baby needs to "perform" or being judged they will be a sleep or cranky. but reading your post the organizer could do better, like dividing the babies into groups, and give the parents the timing, so you can manage the time better.
everything includes babies must move fast....bam bam bam... and we dont need long speeches...that makes the babies restless ( and moms too!!!)
Judging part: yes mostly the judges will need to "interact" with the babies . Not babies to babies. Too bad but mostly the judging is like that. So mostly the babies with most outgoing personality and doesn't afraid of anything will score ! :)
I think, younger babies will be much easier to handle , toddlers can be difficult, they know how to throw tantrum, scare of something, timid, etc etc.
Immunization part. I also asked Maya's paed. According to her, if you go to Goverment clinic, they will give the measles shot at the age of 6, and MMR is the optional. While the private one will give only MMR at the age of 12 months.
I asked the reason, she said according to the demography , the government hospital handle more babies that lives in certain area that measles hits babies at the age of 6 months. So they can't afford to have the epidemic if they delayed the jab until the babies in one year old.
but in private clinic they don't have measles jab at 6. They jump to MMR at the age of 12 months.
Not sure about this, you can ask your paed later.
I am a freak when comes to vaccines! I compares the schedule from Malaysia's, China , USA and Australia's standard! haha. Just for my own reference.
Personally, No offend here, I think babies contest is fun. But I dont really agree to let babies to compete to win some "title" If it is for fun yes ! for experience yes!! AGREE! If the contest is base on voting or photo's contest still ok.
But I just dont want my babies being "judge" by their look by some strangers :)
But for fun part, why not!
just my 2cents
Congrates to Mia.. For me, most importantly is FUN..hehehe..
panjangnya sandra...hahaha
ethel,reading from your post i can feel how tired you and other mums plus babies during the competition. I'm not saying i'm not into competition. in fact hubby did tell me about 'some baby competition' but he forgot where he saw it but i've seen quite a number of competition ( unduk ngadau etc) and most of it are 'not fairly judge' so i kind of lazy want to join.,like sandra said, if for the fun of it I don't mind joining and the experiences is good for you and mia, ala kesian mia aldready sleep. May be this is their first contest? I think they've( the organiser) learned something too and good that you give them your opinion about it so that they can have better competition next year...lost 10 points because of a jab??? that is ridiculous la..
I mean the measles will be given at the age of 6 months in the gov clinic! not age of 6!!:)
Ya, it was a very tiring day, Netanyah was there too.. her kids oso getting cranky od cuz the line was soooo long! I think I'll stick to d "sending photos" type of contest i.e. J&J's Baby of the year.. no queuing, no fuss.. it was fun though.. got to catch up with other long lost friends who are mummies oledi..
Ethel.. after the chat with you yesterday... ooohh...menyesal balik awal..but i had too.. cos i was tired and the kids had to rest.. guess you were lucky to get a seat.. hehe..i had to stand the whole time... now my hands aching.. but it was worth a try having nelden join the competition..
and yes.. i would rather stick to sending pictures for competition..not much fuss and queuing...
Congrats MIA!!
tks Tanya. Bah, mari kita standby photos for J&J Baby Of The Year Competition 2009. http://www.johnsonsbabycontest.com.my/default.htm. Last year I heard they got more than 100,000 entries!! n 1st prize went to a Sabahan Baby. This same baby won 3rd prize in 2007 oso!! So Lucky oh!! (I'm guilty of feeling jealous of their parents.. hehehehe... )
hehe.. tgk la kalau sy rajin.. its the month of laziness for me.. till further notice... lol...
will check on th link...
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