Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pregnancy#2 : Week 30

We're back in KK! Yay! But sadly, DH flying back to JB 2mrw... :-(  Had an appointment with my new KK Obgyn at Rafflesia Medical Centre. We decided to deliver baby#2 there mainly due to convenience. It would be easier for me to drive over for my routine check-ups and it's very near to the airport; DH can dash direct from the airport when the time comes for me to deliver... I hope and pray that he'll make it to the delivery room in time!

As of today, baby#2 weighs approximately 1.5kg... and Dr said it's 1000% girl.. hahahha.. I still have quite a number of 'orang tua' telling me that my tummy looks like I'm carrying a Boy.. We'll see :-p My current weight is 66.5kg, I gained 1.5kg since my last appointment on 1 July. And yes, I'm still suffering from excess salivation!!! arrrghhhhh!

I'm now trying to figure out how to get a midwive from the govt hospital to come over to the house to check on baby#2 after she's born.. I'm especially terrified of newborn jaundice. A friend told me that such service is available. Harap2 I can get one. Last time, I hired a nurse from a private clinic. Unfortunately, she doesn't do house calls anymore :-(

 Baby#2 is lying on her side. The umbilical cord is covering her face.


Deana E said...

ethel, go and register in the ibu dan anak clinic-depends where you live, they have their own bounderies and they will arrange from there

jaudice, give lots and lots of breastmilk...i did that twice to sona and my newborn and both are safe from jaundice..

FIRKAL said...

hi ethel,
tu ari kbanyakan org ckp sy preg baby girl. skali on my 32nd week, scan, boy la pula. skali kluar, btl2 boy. tp ada yg inda ngam juga tu kan..? hehhehe.. (p/s: sy ada beli baju pink lg tu. hahaha..)

BabySigns said...

Dena: ya, last time Mia oso I force to breastfeed every 2-3hrs.. She didn't hv jaundice. But my sister punya DD sampai kena phototherapy ba.. so kesian o.. Btw, then d nearest klinik ibu&anak in ppang would be d one near QEH la kan?

Fem: Ada sy dgr tu abt yr baby.. :-)
C Ronan kluar hospital pakai baju pink kan? Byk juga baju baby sy yg neutral color.. boy or girl ada sdh standy baju.. hehehe

FIRKAL said...

eee.. jgn bah c ronan kluar ospital pkai bj pink. inda la. hehhe...
o ya, jaundice, si Ron pun 3x kena photo oo. sy kasi full bf, sama juga. skali sy mix sama fm, baru turun jaundice dia. tp dia gia prem baby, mgkn diff case kan. hehe...

BabySigns said...

sori, ada org kasi wrong info pula abt tu baju pink.. hehehe

Ya, I think prem baby diff case tu.. thank god all that is over now kan.. bikin takut juga ba newborn nie.. very fragile. Even for Mia, after she reach 3mths old baru sy buli tarik nafas sikit..

Octavia said...

ethel, Octavia here...couldn't help but to comment:).No need pi jauh2 di QEH. You can go register yourself at polyclinic penampang.Once they have your record they will go and see you when you have delivered. Inform them as soon as you have delivered. Diorang ada buat service house to house tu to check on the baby. You will be around Donggongon area jugabah kan?

BabySigns said...

Hi Oak,
Thks for d info. Will register at Poliklinik Ppang asap. I'll be staying at my parent's during confinement :-)