Saturday, May 29, 2010

Korean Food

I've never been a fan of Korean food after a bad meal experience many years ago. But after watching tones of KBS Korean series, my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to give it another go. Had a complete Korean meal today. Sedap oso la! Now I'm ready to go to South Korea!! Bring it on!!  ;-p

Side dishes

  Barbecued Porky
Kimchi Soup
Marinated Barbecued Porky


Wel^Beiolman said...

toi ada terai ka durang punya nasi campuer yg sayur campur sama nasi tu..macam cincai tp sedapp jg o...heehehe....

BabySigns said...

Apa punya sayur? Kimchi ka?
Nanti la sy p try lagi other dishes dorang.. Makin tua, mesti mau adventurous sikit sdh nie.. hehehe

Wel^Beiolman said...

haha..not sure but I've seen it couple of times in KBS Korean series...mcm cincai tp macam sadap jg..hehe..yeah...I even setup my own target to travel around Asia before the time come to be a family man..haha...too bad I missed the opportunity to go to Korea with relatives in feb coz' I was informed a little late and didn't manage to get a holiday..huhu..I'm so gonna visit korea in future..hehehe