Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Advance Puzzle Game for Mia by DH

Last nite, suddenly DH said.. "I wonder; if we mix all the puzzle pieces together and ask Mia to put them back in proper order, will she be able to do it?"..

DH was impressed. I knew she could do it. Mia @ 20.5mths.


bZbee said... Avi can also make puzzle now...err...2 months back and now i have to rajin myself to tidy up all the 4 puzzle i have to hide it cos i malas to answer her never ending question....

BabySigns said...
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BabySigns said...

babies are really clever oh kan.. I started her on puzzles at abt 13mths.. i wanted her to learn to be more patient & to develop motor skills ba (she's very2 impatient just like me & DH).. and she still is! haiya!

Joan D'Arcy said...

Hahaha!!! That's what Montessori called the ABSORBENT MIND! :) The little ones' brain work like sponge, absorbing everything under the sun, the good, the wonderful, the brilliant.. and also the bad.. whatever is exposed to the innocent mind. And the most sensitive period is when they are in their 0-6 years old. Observe them, there are always reason behind their chosen activities =) Enjoy their development!

My lil boy is addicted to puzzle even now at 4yo. :)