She was actually referring to the "Mooncup Menstrual Cup". What is it you may ask?
According to Mooncup: The Mooncup is made out of medical grade, hypo allergenic silicone - a non-reactive material that will not absorb a woman's natural fluids or leave anything behind to disturb the natural vaginal environment.
The Mooncup is as Clean as the user makes it - can you sanitize your disposable pads and tampons by boiling them? Disposables are not clean - they are only bleached white to make us think they are clean. Your Mooncup can be a million times cleaner than any tampon or disposable pad.
The Mooncup is so convenient - no need to carry anything around, no need to find somewhere to throw anything away. After years of feeling uncomfortable and suffering, women have been known to forget they were on their period after switching to the Mooncup!
So, am I brave enough to test this product? Let me give it a thought ya! Find out more at this site.
hi there. thanks for this info. i also have written an entry regarding the mooncup menstrual cup after i read your post and i think i would definitely buy one.
do share your experience ya.. :-)
Have you use yet Ethel? I'm so not dare to try..especially when I think the "insert" part..heheheh..
Bonnie, I'm still contemplating whether to use or not.. I like u oso.. takut when it comes to the inserting part.. i got bad experience with tampons ba.. but i read other testimonials, they say it's much3 better compared to inserting tampons.. so, i mite try?? dunno when la..
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