Friday, April 17, 2009

Mia Transitioning From Signing To Talking (Part#2)

Mia @ 18.5mths.. To-date, Mia can now say (& use) abt 80 words.. She has also started labelling things using words now, rather than just signing & pointing..
She has started labelling body parts with words as well .. Ears, Eyes, Knees, Toes, Teeth, Mouth, Nose, Shoulders.. (it's so cute to see her pointing at her body whenever we sing the "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes" song).
With the 80 words, she has started to make 'conversation' ... (while saying the words, sometimes she signs at the same time to emphasize the word)..
Mia: Daddy?
Mum: He's at work
Mia: Car?
Mum: Yes, went to work by car.
Mia: Where + (signs for butterfly/blankie/dog etc)?
Mia: (Does the sign for hear) + (the sound & sign for aeroplane/dog/car)
Requesting for her Bathing time 'toys'
Mia: Bath-bath.. Duck... Duck.. Bottle.. open (the bottle's cap).. (signs for Tooth brush).. pee-pee
Mum: Are u done?
Mia: done../more...more.. more../No.. no.. no..
Requesting for Milk
Mia: Nenen...
Mum: what do u say when u want something?
Mia: Please... please....
Mum: Say thank you
Mia: signs thank u. After nenen. done. keep (keep the bottle)
Sleeping time
Mum: U sleepy?
Mia: Signs for sleep / sleep
Mum: Ok, say goodnite to Daddy
Mia: Bye + signs flying kiss + signs love
Mummy: ok, Goodnite.
Mia: Nenen please.. After nenen. Pet-pet (She's asking me to pat her to sleep).
Mum: U wan momom?
Mia: Momom. After momom, bib.. keep
Mum: U dun want anymore?
Mia: Done... wash

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