Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Gift of Life - Organ & Tissue Donation

Here's something that I'm seriously thinking of doing.. but, have to discuss with my parents and DH.. Nanti ada dispute, susah lor...
Make the gift of life, Be useful to the end.
Death and organ donation are difficult issues to think, let alone talk about. And if it's hard for us now, imagine how it might feel during the death of a loved one. The medical staff who fought to save the patient's life find it just as difficult to accept death and talk about it.
Making a decision to donate the organs & tissues of a loved one who just passed away may not be easy.
It is by pledging our organs and tissues during our lifetime that we make this decision making process easier and less stressful for our relatives.
By signing up with the National Donor Registry you will be allowing your organs and tissues to be used for transplantation after death.
This will help save lives. This is will be a gift of life.

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