Monday, March 30, 2009

Bahasa Kebangsaan?

Last Sat, i conducted my Parent Workshop at home and as usual, SIL would come and babysit Mia for about 2 hours. Babysitting Mia during her napping hour is actually pretty easy as most of the time she sleeps during the entire workshop duration. But, I wanted to be on the safe side.. Takut2 she terbangun in d middle of the workshop..
But that day, SIL had to babysit a bit longer as I had a wedding to attend and DH will be back quite late from outstation. So as I was chatting with SIL, we suddenly came across the topic of language. I was sharing with SIL, that i would really love it if Mia could speak English with a British accent.. (hahahaha.. i just think that it's much 'cooler' than the normal Malaysian English accent). Suddenly we were like... "can Mia speak in Malay or not ar??". Our main language at home is English, I do try slipping in some Kadazan words and some Malay but 99% of the time, we speak in English. So we experimented by asking her a few questions in Malay "Ko mau makan? Mana ko punya bapa? Ko mau minum susu? Ko mau baca buku? bla..bla..bla..". Mia was starring at us blankly!!! hahahaha!! It's just so funny.. oh well, I guess she'll pick up Malay as she gets older.. heheheh..
I'm also trying to introduce other languages to her i.e. Mandarin, Spanish, French.. I don't expect her to speak in these languages now, just wanted to stimulate 'that' part of her brain that controls language acquisition.. Hopefully, when the time comes for her to learn these languages in school/Uni, early exposure would make it easier.. My DH studied and worked in Switzerland many years ago and he used to speak in fluent French when I first met him (maybe that's one of the reason I fell in love with him??? hahaha)..


Mohammad Azmy Hamron (Dip. in Medical Imaging, MBBS) said...

Hi ethel....Mia mo belajar BM awal2 o...
Based on research kan, the easiest way to let child grow with 2 or 3 languages during nowlah...

hehe just sikit info bah...aku tau ko lagi banyak info.hehe

BabySigns said...

ya ba.. itu la mau sumbat as many languages as possible b4 she turns 3... klu tdk, nanti her BM ada english accent??? hehehe..